Selasa, 15 Maret 2016

introduction to Linguistics

By: L.M.Baskaran

Linguistics is the science of language-linguistics is just like physics or genetics; there is logic in the profusion of rules which also have some exceptions. There is a method in this madness(to the preserving scientists’ gladness). From phonetics right to pragmatics Stretches this science called linguistics. Phonetics-the science of symbol and sound with lots of segments does abound. There are contoids; vocoids and diphthongs, and also such things called triphthongs. These then are in combination with suprasegmentals like intonation, elision, stress, juncture, gradation, which give some phonetic foundation. Then there is grammar with divisions of morphology and syntax to precision; rules can be structural or generative, Transformational as well as communicative. Morphology studies word-formation, by morphemes with their various functions. Syntax describes sentence division, with NP,VP, and similar collocations; then there is lexis-of words and meaning, with semantics always interweaving, there is synonymy plus antonymy, with polysemy and hyponymy; others too, like cognates and “false friends”, Also to meaning in the lexicon lend. Lexicon refers to words on their own, whilst semantics lets meaning to be shown. In context, with syntax and phonology, giving the language some morphology. We can’t then forget pragmatics, as we also can’t pf paralinguistics- pragmatics considers meaning in context, with non-linguistic features to perplex; such features like situation and relevance, which at times can cause ambivalence. However, the fact still remains that linguistics is not a bane, tho’ exceptions may seem more than rules giving the emergence of so many schools of thought and attempts at description. These are all means of precision, where the linguist attempt to express most clearly- not just to impress!.

An Introduction to Linguistics
By: Meagan Louie

What is Linguistics?

Linguistics is the study of language Taking a scientific approach to studying language:
1.Observe some language phenomena
2.Make a hypothesis about the phenomena
3.Test your hypothesis
4.Revise your hypothesis
5.Test your revised hypothesis
6.Repeat steps 4 and 5.

What is linguistics?
 Linguistics is the science of language(s). It is generally a descriptive discipline rather than a prescriptive one, which means that linguists do not lay down hard and fast rules about how to use a certain language, but rather concentrate on describing the rules which (especially native) speakers seem to have internal used. Apart from this, there are various different ways of  ‘doing’ linguistics. For example, we can concenter ate on language as used at a certain point of
time e.g. in 1989; this is called synchronic linguistics. Alternatively, we can look at language  from a diachronic point of view, which involves analyzing the development of a language during a certain period of time e.g. during Middle English, or in the 1950s etc. Linguistics is a
science which can either be studied in a theoretical or a more applied way. For example, someone may be interested in finding out exactly how questions are formed in English (= theoretical). Once this is known the knowledge could be applied e.g. to language teaching, thereby (hopefully) enabling teachers and pupils to learn the language more effectively.

By: Finegan, Edward (2004). Language: Its Structure and Use. Fort Worth: Harcourt Brace College Publishers.  

Kortmann, Bernd (2005). English Linguistics: Essentials.

Berlin: Cornelsen Verlag.   Yule, George (2006). The Study of Language: An Introduction. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.  

Language, Communication and Linguistics

Language can be seen as sound organized into units of form and function with meaning, contextualized in reality. The key words here are sound, form, function, meaning and reality, coupled with the two words “organized” and “contextualized”. Language can also be considered as an abstraction resultant from the linguistic behaviour of its users. To study it or describe this abstraction we need a science of language-a systematic study of language. This is what is known as linguistics-that scientific, systematic, objective study of language.

The relationship of language and medium

(concrete realization)

Speech( sound & meaning)                                                     writing(symbol & meaning)
Language can also be seen as a system of signals by which we communicate. The term “communicate” here is what we have to consider carefully.

Communication is a wide-ranging term, but the context which we are referring to is the context of human communication. Human communication has many variables.
The variables of communication
                        Non-vocal                                                                                vocal
Visual              tactile    olfactory        physical(kinetic)                      non-speech           speech

                                    Physiological reflexes      emotion markers   voice quality    paralinguistic
                                                                                                            Difference             effects

 The human communication chain

BRAIN encodes                                                                                    BRAIN decodes
            Sender                                                                         receiver
               speaking              message               listening
                  writing               message              reading                                          

Oral-Aural Communication
In this communicative context, the brain sends a message(encodes) via the mouth and the
Vocal-cum-supraglottal organs in the mouth actually transmit the message(production of sound). The ears and the audiological apparatus now receive the message(reception of sound) and send it up to the brain for interpreting the communicative content and intent(decodes).

Written-Visual Communication
In the communicative context, the brain sends a message(encodes) via the hand, which actually transmits the message(writes) (production of language). The eye then receives the message(reception of language) and sends it up to the brain for interpreting the communicative content and intent(decodes).
Productive skills (active)
Receptive skills (passive)
Written/ visual

The communicative process can also be technically represented thus:

The technical representation of the communication process
Information source              Transmitter               content           Receiver             Destination
(encoder)                                                                                                             (decoder)

my story..

Hallo friends!...
I  would like to introduce my self to you. My name is Febti Mahani Batubara. I’m from Pekanbaru city. I study at Universitas Lancang Kuning. I was born in Bengkulu, 08th February 1997. Now,  I’m 19 years old.  Now, I can little speak English because I’m studying. And I must study hard to can be speaking English clearly. I graduated from Kalam Kudus senior high school. I liked the English lesson but I disliked mathematics subject.
Aku ingin bercerita tentang kehidupanku…
Aku terlahir di keluarga yang sangat sederhana. Kami dua bersaudara, saya anak pertama dan saya mempunyai adik laki-laki. aku sangat bangga dengan mereka, terutama ibu ku karna ibu ku tidak pernah memperlihatkan ke kami rasa capeknya sehabis bekerja. Dia wanita yang tangguh dan tegar karna setelah ayah ku tidak dapat lagi bekerja seperti dahulu, ibu ku bisa menggantikan ayahku ,membiayai kebutuhan kami sehari-hari dan tidak pernah terlambat membayar uang sekolah kami.  ibuku  tidak hanya bekerja diluar,  pekerjaan rumah juga dikerjakannya, aku juga ikut membantunya, setiap hari kami bergotong royong membereskan pekerjaan rumah. Saya tamatan dari SDN 007 Pekanbaru, SMP Methodist Pekanbaru, dan SMA Kristen Kalam Kudus Pekanbaru. Dulu kami tinggal di Bengkulu, setelah adik saya berumur dua tahun, kami pindah ke Pekanbaru sampai sekarang untuk meningkatkan taraf hidup yang lebih layak dari sebelumnya.  Dulu setelah tamat SD saya dan orang tua saya ingin sekali saya bisa masuk SMPN agar bebas dari uang sekolah tapi saya tidak bisa masuk karna NIM saya tidak mencukupi, saya merasa sedih namun orang tua saya tetap kasih semangat, dan bilang “belajar yang bagus supaya SMA nya bisa di SMAN”, saya pun jadi semangat belajar, namun semangat belajar saya hanya sebentar, karna sifat malas saya tidak bisa saya kendalikan. Ketika sekolah saya mengadakan try out saya tidak serius dan mengerjakannya sembarangan, sehingga ketika UN SMP hanya sedikit yang bisa saya jawab dengan hasil sendiri dan yang lainnya hasil contekkan. Dan saya tidak dapat masuk ke SMAN karna Nim saya juga tidak mencukupi, pada saat itu saya kecewa dan merasa orang paling bodoh! Karna rata-rata teman saya bisa masuk negeri tapi kenapa saya tidak bisa. Namun orang tua saya selalu memberikan saya semangat sehingga saya sedikit bisa menerima kenyataan. Lalu orang tua saya mencari  SMA Swasta yang SPP nya tidak terlalu mahal, namun pada saat itu semua SMA Swasta sudah menutup pendaftaran, karna SMA Swasta Kalam Kudus Pekanbaru masih membuka pendaftaran akhirnya saya didaftarkan orang tua saya disana, saya ikut pergi mendaftar dengan bapak saya, dan pada saat mendaftar saya merasa kasihan dengan orang tua saya karna harus membayar uang pendaftaran dengan biaya yang mahal yang tidak sesuai dengan kenyataan hidup kami. saya bilang ke bapak saya: apa aku bisa sampai lulus sekolah disini, lalu bapak saya jawab: itu urusan bapak, tugasmu sekrang belajar yang bagus. Lalu saya memulai masa SMA saya disana, di SMA saya mulai mengenal kehidupan yang sebenarnya, karna di SMA lah saya baru merasakan masalah dan saya berusaha untuk menyelesaikannya sendiri, masalahnya tidak datang dari keluarga maupun sekolah, Puji Tuhan kalau urusan sekolah saya tidak pernah bertingkah karna saya mengingat usaha orang tua saya menyekolahkan saya disana. Masalah yang saya hadapi adalah masalah dengan teman dan diri sendiri, masalah yang dapat membentuk kepribadian saya, dan lebih menambah pengalaman.di SMA saya mempunyai banyak teman, namun hanya 4 orang teman yang sangat dekat dengan saya. Mereka adalah Mega, Wita,Elissa dan Evan. Sangat rindu sama mereka, dan saya berharap saya masih bisa berteman baik dengan mereka sampai kapanpun. Amin. Setelah tamat SMA saya mencoba untuk ikut ujian SBMPTN namun tidak lulus. Ya lebih kecewa lagi dengan diri sendiri, tapi coba buat terima kenyataan aja, mungkin bukan nasib ku bisa masuk ke sekolah negeri. Mungkin kalau aku masuk negeri aku gak bakal kenal sama kawan-kawan ku yang super baik. Untuk masuk perguruan tinggi saya serahkan ke orang tua saya, karna mereka lebih tahu mana perguruan tinggi yang bagus. Dan orang tua saya mendaftarkan saya ke Universitas Lancang Kuning, saya memilih fakultas keguruan karna saya tidak mempunyai pilihan lain, karna waktu itu sebenarnya saya tidak kepengen kuliah karna saya masih mau ikut ujian SBMPTN tahun berikutnya, dan tertantang gimana cara nya supaya lulus. Namun sepertinya memang bukan rezeki. Malahan SBMPTN tahun sekarang saya tidak ingin ikut karna sudah nyaman kuliah disini.
Inilah cerita hidup saya, I think that is all .
Thank you for your attention. I am sorry  if I have mistakes
See you next time.