Rabu, 27 September 2017

Sociolinguistics: Introduction to sociolinguistics

Hallo good reader, welcome back to my blog!. Ok, now I want to share our new course called Sociolinguistics with the topic Introduction to Sociolinguistics. This topic presented by Asri Laraswati, Shela Safhira, and TM.Ridhani. this post will share my conclusion with some of questions and answers from my friends, when this topic is presented. Ok fix, let us play!

Sociolinguistics is the study of the relationship between language and society. It concerned with the difference language used in different social context. Also, investigating how people used language and how  language is work in different region/area.


1.      Siti Rafiah: Why dialect and accent are included into sociolinguistics?

Answer:  sociolinguistics is the study of the relationship between language and society. Different region/area will show different manner of speaking. Example : Minangnese and Javanese have different manner of speaking.

2.      Hotdiana Pasaribu: The example of sociolinguistics and sociology of language?

Answer: Sociolinguistics is the usual language that we use in everyday. Example: ayo jalan-jalan!
Sociology of language: is effect from using the language itself in society. Example: jenjalan yuksss! (presenter)

3.      Febti Mahani Batubara: What is the difference between dialect an accent ?
Answer: accent and dialect is the manner of speaking. But dialect larger than accent. Accent explain about the language used in region, community and the language used informal. For example: penggunaan bahasa  orang didesa lebih sopan daripada dikota. Dialect is used in education, politic, business area and the language used formal. (presenter)


Sociolinguistics is variations of language in geographically/region.