Kamis, 16 November 2017


1.       What is sociolinguistics?
Sociolinguistic consist of two words they are ; Socio means social and Linguistics means study of language. So, Sociolinguistic is the study of language that used in social contexts. It focuses on the different language used in different region or social context,how different groups of people use their language, how does language work in different region. sociolinguistics explain that region or geographical can influence the language for example: people in the north Sumatra have different language with people in the west Sumatra. in sociolinguistics we also learn dialect and accent. it focuses on the varieties of language that can show where the people come from and how the ways people pronounce the language. it show that different region have different varieties of language, different variety of talk or style and different ways of pronounce the language. so, sociolinguistics is the study that interconnected with language, social context, region and culture in people live.

2.       Why do we learn Sociolinguistic?
sociolinguistics is the study of language that use in social environment. language is the essential thing that people need to communicate, share and get the information, feeling, ideas, etc.We live in social environment called society. so, it show that we must learn and comprehend our understanding of sociolinguistics to communicate with others in our environment. the advantages of learn sociolinguistic are; to increase our awareness that every region has different language, dialect and accent then, we know the different characteristics of language that used in different region, the different culture of people in different region, we also know that social factors such as class and gender influence the language too. and we can get many vocabulary of language in a region to communicate with people around the region.

3.       What is the relation between language and society?
Society is every people that live in our environment. language is the essential thing that people need to communicate with others around their social context. different region or social context can influence the language, dialect, and accent. and every region or social context has their characteristic of their language. So, language has relationship with society. With language, someone or groups can communicate with others around them to sharing and getting the information, knowledge, ideas, or their feeling. then, we can know the characteristic of region, the society behavior, the society custom, etc. we can conclude that without language people around social context can not communicate and develop their qualities, without society language can not created  and developed. So language and society has interconnected each other.

4.       Please mention and explain the branches of linguistic!
The Branches of linguistics;
a. Phonetics, the study of the physical properties of sounds of human language
b. Phonology, the study of sounds as discrete, abstract elements in the speaker's mind that distinguish meaning
c. Morphology, the study of internal structures of words and how they can be modified
d. Syntax, the study of how words combine to form grammatical sentences
e. Semantics, the study of the meaning of words (lexical semantics) and fixed word combinations (phraseology), and how these combine to form the meanings of sentences
f. Pragmatics, the study of how utterances are used (literally, figuratively, or otherwise) in communicative acts
g. Discourse analysis, the analysis of language use in texts (spoken, written, or signed)
h. Applied linguistic is the branch of linguistic that is most concerned with application of the concepts in everyday life, including language-teaching.
5.      What is standard language? Giving an example
Standard language is a universal dialect that used in written form. for example; in economic life, literature and administrative matters.

6.      Elaborating the language, dialect, and accent please!
Language is the essential system that human need to communicate with others by spoken or written to sharing or receiving our feeling, ideas, information, etc.
Dialect is the variety of language that describes the specific region distinguished by pronunciation, grammar, and/or vocabulary.
Accent is the specific ways to pronounce or stress a language.

7.      Giving an example of formal and informal language
Formal language
            A: may I help you sir?
            B: yes, of course! Please put this book to my table, thank you.
            A: you are welcome
            Informal language:
            A: I can’t go to campus coz I get sick.
            B: ok, GWS.
8.      What aspects of language are sociolinguistics interested in?
Sociolinguists are interested to explore the different language in the different region, varieties of language, varieties of talk, culture, social factors, social communities, etc.
9.      When two or more people from different language met and tried to communicate, what should they do?
a.       Pidgins is a restricted language which arises for the purposes of communication between two social groups of which one is in a more dominant position than the other.
b.      Creoles is a language that was originally a pidgin but has become nativized, i.e. a community of speakers claims it as their first language.
c.       Lingua Franca is a language used to communicate between people who speak different languages natively.
So, they should use lingua franca because lingua franca do not eliminate the original language or produce a new language
10.  Why do people switch and mix a language?
People switch language because they want to give or get information well in one language, to ignore misunderstanding each others. for example two speakers do conversation. one of them who come from java use the original language of java to communicate but the others answered in bahasa. so someone from java change his language to bahasa to give or get the information well and ignore misunderstanding each other. People mix language because they want to comprehend two or more language. for example someone who know two or more language use of both language in his conversation with other to improve his ability in the language.

11.  Giving an example of code switching and code mixing
a)      code switching:
A: yesterday ms Desti give us assignment!
B: semalam sama ms Desti belajar tentang apa?
A: tentang kode switching dan mixing, trus ms juga ada kasih tugas buat contoh dari kode switching dan mixing
b)      code mixing
1)      kita jangan pergilah, feeling aku lagi gak bagus
2)      I nak pergi ke market, you mau ikut?

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