A Thesis : A Study On The Students’ Phonological Appropriation On The Producing English
Fricative Consonant Sounds At Fifth Semester Students At English Education
Department Of Faculty Of Education And Teachers Training Lancang Kuning
University Academic
Year 2013/2014
By: Hellen Nidya Saputri
Formulation of the Research
Referring to the formulation of the research above, the
researcher formulates the problem in the following question: “ How is the
students” phonological appropriation on the producing English fricative
consonant sounds at fifth semester students at English Education Department of
Faculty of Education and teachers training Lancang Kuning University Academic
Year 2013/2014.
There were 33 fifth semester students of faculty of
education and teachers training of Lancang Kuning university who participated
in this research. The score range from a low of was 54,15 to a high of 94,4 a
range of 40,25 points.
The average score of students’ phonological appropriation on
the producing English Fricative consonant sounds was 75.
There were seventeen 2-score of the participants score were
above zero and sixteen 2-score of the participants score were below zero
The percentage of the students ‘phonological appropriation
on producing fricative consonant sounds based on five indicator showed the
variance result.
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