Senin, 20 Maret 2017

Review Semantic Article part 2

hallo reader, now i can give review about the journal of "Meaningful modeling what the Semantics of semantics" . i hope you can understand it. keep enjoy!

Title: "Meaningful modeling what the Semantics of semantics".
Author : David Harel
Pages: 9 
  1. Demograph 
The Authors is a students of University of Weizmann Institute of Science, Computer Science and Applied Mathematics, Faculty Member. Published by the IEEE Computer Society on October 2004.
2.      Background
This Paper discussed The Unified Modeling Language (UML) is a complex collection of mostly diagrammatic notations for software modeling, and its standardization has prompted an animated discussion about UML's semantics and how to represent it.
3.      Result
            He has set out to clarify some of the notions involved in defining modeling languages, with an eye toward the particular difficulties arising in defining UML.
The result:
The Unified Modeling Language (UML) is a complex collection of mostly diagram-matic notations for software modeling, and its standardization has prompted an animated discussion about UML’s seman-tics and how to represent it. As the “Wrong Ways to View Semantics” sidebar describes, authors have quite different ideas of what constitutes semantics for UML subsets and adaptations. Worse, implicit assumptions often influence these definitions and results. Comparing published research on UML semantics is thus very difficult, since the compari-son must take into account the subsets dealt with, the kind of systems assumed, the relationships among constructs, the definitions’ detail level, and the notations and representations used. Obviously, a multitude of concepts surround the proper definition of complex modeling languages, and many people are confused about what these concepts—both crucial and marginal—really mean and how to understand and use them. This confu-sion is particularly apparent in the context of UML ,a multifaceted effort whose followers are ever grow-ing, but it is also characteristic of other modeling approaches.We have thus set out to clarify some of the notions involved in defining modeling languages, with an eye toward the particular difficulties arisingin defining UML. We are primarily interested in dis-tinguishing a language’s notation, or syntax, fromits meaning, or semantics, as well as recognizing the differences between variants of syntax and seman-tics in their nature, purpose, style, and use.

Much has been said about the distinction between the purist notion of information and its syntactic representation as data. The literature gen-erally agrees that data is used to communicate, but extracting or understanding the information behind it requires an interpretation—a mapping that assigns a meaning to each (legal) piece of data. A major source of confusion is the mixing of the data and information notions. In one case, two pieces of data might encode the same information, for example, “June 20, 2000” and “The last day of the first spring in the second millennium.” In another case, the same piece of data might have sev-eral meanings and therefore denote different infor-mation for different people or applications. The information the reader derives from “John’s birth-day,” for example, depends on the context. Deeply understanding the difference between syntax and semantics helps avoid confusion. Just as people use natural languages to commu-nicate with each other, machines use machine-read-able languages for communication. Both kinds of language—whether they are natural, artificial, pro- gramming, or hardware description languages—contain a great variety of meaningful language ele-ments. Communication stakeholders must thus agree on the language, which in turn fixes the dataset that they can communicate. Accordingly, a language consists of a syntactic notation (syntax), which is a possibly infinite set of legal elements, together with the meaning of those elements, which is expressed by relating the syntax to a semantic domain. Thus, any language defini-tion must consist of the syntax semantic domain and semantic mapping from the syntactic elements to the semantic domain.
Depending on the language type, syntactic ele-ments can be words, sentences, statements, boxes, diagrams, terms, models, clauses, modules, and soon. In our description and the “Two Language Examples” sidebar, we use “expression” to repre-sent these terms. Textual  languages are  symbolic  in spirit, and their basic syntactic expressions are put together in linear character sequences. In contrast, the basic expres-sions in iconic languages are small pictorial signs that visually depict elements. An iconic language can be more intuitive than a textual language, but only if the designer resists abusing the icons.  In diagrammatic languages, or visual for-malisms,
1basic expressions include lines, arrows, closed curves and boxes, and composition mecha-nisms involve connectivity, partitioning, and “in-sideness.” Despite some well-known critiques,
2,3 diagrammatic languages are proving extremely helpful in software and systems development. In a theoretical sense, textual languages and visual or diagrammatic ones have no principal difference, but when rigor and formality are called for, prop-erly defining diagrams seems much harder. Moreover, although semantics actually describes a language’s meaning, computer tools make it impossible to manipulate semantics directly. Instead, everything on paper or the screen is a syn-tactic representation. This is also true of the machine’s internal representation, the so-called abstract syntax or metamodel. Because a rigid syntax is critical to correct lan-guage interpretation, any attempt to compromise it could  be  disastrous. Writing
read(data) in a lan-guage in which the input commands are of the form input(data)
will result in a syntax error, forexample. And a computer can’t exactly recognize the command, “How about getting me a value forK?” Thus, a formal, concise, and rigid set of syn-tax.

Wrong Ways to View Semantics
It is an understatement to say that different people view semantics differently across software and systems engineering. After listening to numerous presentations and reading even more papers, we have iden-tified both specializations of the general concept and downright mis-uses. The following are some common erroneous views, many in the context of UML.
Semantics is the metamodel.
This is a common misuse of the term. The metamodel is but a way to describe the language’s syntax; it is a crucial precursor, but it is not the semantics itself. Knowing what a lan-guage looks like does not equate with understanding what it means.

·        Semantics is the semantic domain.
Some people use the word seman-tics as shorthand for the statement, “The semantics is given in terms of a particular semantic domain or maps the syntax into that domain.”Using semantics and semantic domain interchangeably is erroneous, since it avoids the most crucial part of the semantics—the semantic map-ping.

·        Semantics is the context conditions.
This use of the term has its roots in compiler theory, where everything beyond the basic context-free grammar is viewed as semantics. It seems to have had a great influence on the way Object Constraint Language constraints are used on top of UML’s metamodel. This use of the term semantics is also erroneous, as it does not entail either a semantic domain or a semantic mapping. It sim-ply further constrains the syntax. In the UML standardization docu-ments, “static semantics” is used instead of “context conditions.”

·        Semantics is dealing with behavior.
Some of the most intricate lan-guages deal with behavior, especially reactive behavior. Their semantics must prescribe the system’s behavior for each allowed program/model/ expression, so that for such languages, behavior and semantics are closely related. However, structure description languages, for example, don’t talk about behavior, but they still need semantics. Hence, seman-tics and behavior are not to be confused.

·        Semantics is being executable
Taking the previous point one step further, some people equate having semantics with being executable. Clearly, if a language is executable, it probably has an adequate seman-tics, although that semantics might not have been given an adequately clear representation. However, not all languages specify behavior, and not all those that do so are (or need to be) executable. Also, even if the language is meant to be executable, it can have a non executable, deno-tational semantics. Thus, in general, having adequate semantics has lit-tle to do with a language’s ability to be executed.

·        Semantics is the behavior of a system.
Sometimes people talk about the semantics of a particular system—the way it behaves, its reaction time, and so on. This is quite different from the semantics of the lan-guages used to describe that system.

·        Semantics is the meaning of individual constructs.
People often refer to the semantics of some part of the language, even just one construct. Clearly, there is much more to semantics than that.
Semantics means looking mathematical . When some people see that parts of a language definition have mathematical symbols, they are con-vinced that it is probably also precisely defined. This is simply not true.

·        Semantics is ________
Some people simply give a buzzword to indi-cate something about how the semantic definition goes, as in “the semantics is given by message-passing.” This prompts others to think that the language is properly endowed with semantics. Sadly, the worst cases are when the people making this kind of statement actually believe it themselves.

The strengthness
This journal provide very complete explanation with key word or instruction, that can make the reader more understand.

The Weakness
this journal used decode decipher that make the reader become confused and do not make the example in each explanation, so the reader cannot understand this journal clearly.

So, Semantics have many function in context of Unified Modeling Language.

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